Sherlock |
The worlds only consulting detective. A retired Army Doctor. Chasing Serial Killers. Solving Crimes all over London. The address in 221B Baker Street. This is Sherlock.
Sherlock Holmes is a Book series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He created them back in 1887 starting with The Study in Scarlet. The series is written all in Doctor John Watson's perspective.
In 2010, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, Created the TV show Sherlock. Setting it in Modern day London. So instead of Horse drawn carriages there is Cabs and mobile phones and laptops. Sherlock is played Benedict Cumberbatch and John Watson is played by Martin Freeman.

Sherlock Holmes is the world's only consulting detective. What is that? Well the police consult him whenever they are stumped with a murder. People also come to him and Watson for help. He is a High Functioning Sociopath. He can read people just by looking at them. Sherlock has an excellent memory due to his mind palace. A Mind Palace is a memory technique you can use where you could essentially remember anything.

John Watson is a retired Army Doctor. He was in Afganstan til he was shot in the shoulder and sent home. He couldnt afford his own Flat, so he moved in with Sherlock to split the rent. John has his own blog, which he writes all his adventures with Sherlock on. (In the books, He publishes Short stories.) Unlike Sherlock, John cares for people. John gets married to Mary Morstan after a few years of running around with Sherlock.
Some of the Minor Characters in the Show include: Mary Morstan(or Watson), Mycroft Holmes, Mrs. Hudson, Detective Inspector Lestrade, and Molly Hooper.
Mary Morstan-Watson is John Watson's Wife. In the TV Series she used to be an asssassin. She doesnt show up til the 3rd season.

Mycroft Holmes is Sherlock's older brother. He basically is the British Government. And even if he doesnt act like he cares for Sherlock, He really does.
Mrs. Hudson is the landlady at 221B Baker Street. She says she isn't the boys' house keeper, but she sure acts like it, like she makes them breakfast, tea, does some cleaning. She is a super sweet lady.

Detective Inspector Lestrade is well a Detective Inspector for Scotland Yard. He lets Sherlock and John onto the crime scenes and goes to them for help. He respects Sherlock, even when some of the other staff at Scotland Yard.
Molly Hooper works at St. Bart's Morgue. She has a huge crush on Sherlock, who is oblivious to it. She also helps Sherlock fake his Death.

The Main Villain is Moriarty. His full Name is Jim Moriarty. He is like Sherlock, except instead of a consulting Detective, he is a consulting criminal. Basically people come to him to have people murdered. He is a Psychopath that is bored. He makes Sherlock and John go through all these "Games" to get to him. In the end he blows his brains out giving Sherlock no choice but to fakes his death. He is probably one of my favorite villains of all time.
The BBC Show Sherlock has 4 seasons right now. 3 of them are on Netflix, as well as the Christmas special they made(January 2016). Season 4 Just finished airing and wont be on Netflix for a while. Each Season has 3 episodes, but they are each an hour and a half long. So really it is more like a movie series. Each is all well done.
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